Lincoln diaz balart son dies

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    Lincoln diaz balart son dies

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  • Lincoln diaz balart son suicide
  • Lincoln diaz balart son dies suicide
  • Former Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart speaks of son's suicide publicly for first time

    The congressional hearing was on suicide prevention.

    But at this hearing, a former congressman was among those who testified – about his own painful experience with a son who ended his life.

    Former Rep.

    Lincoln Diaz-Balart of Florida shared his story – the first time he’s done so publicly – about losing his 29-year-old son, named after him, more than a year ago.

    “I must admit, I believed that all you need is love,” Diaz-Balart said at the Thursday hearing.

    “I never thought our tragedy of May 19, 2013, was possible. But it was possible. Sometimes, love is not enough.”

    The impetus for the hearing was the suicide of comedian Robin Williams recently, and how it was characterized in some media as a selfish act, among other things.

    According to The Miami Herald, “the hearing looked at policy changes to combat mental illness, as well as how to develop a dialogue about how the media covers the issu