Virginia chapman on gunsmoke
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Reed Survives
One Woman's Deadly Scheme
A wealthy older man and much younger woman named Ephraim and Lucy Hunt are married and live near Dodge City.
Lucy arrives at the Marshal's office to tell Matt Dillon her husband is trying to kill her.
Virginia chapman on gunsmoke
Matt is dubious about Lucy's claims, but he agrees to investigate further.
(The opening scene includes Chester Goode telling Matt Lucy Hunt is in town. Chester questions why Lucy married Ephraim and speculates it may be for his money.
Matt offers no suggestions. Lucy then walks into the office.
Virginia chapman on gunsmoke cast
The scene up to where Lucy walks into the office is sometimes cut in today's broadcasts to allow more commercial time.)
The Marshal pays a visit to Ephraim, and the man convinces Matt he loves his wife very deeply.
He compares his wife to a fragile reed and tells Matt it is his duty to provide her protection to prevent her/the reed from being broken. This statement provides the basis for the name of the episode.