Fazale rana biography of michael

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  • Fazale rana biography of michael

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    Reasons to Believe

    American non-profit creationist organization

    Reasons to Believe (RTB) is an American nonprofit organization that promotes day-age forms of old Earth creationism.[1] It was founded in 1986 by Hugh Ross, a Canadian-born astrophysicist and creationist Christian apologist.[2][3] Former Vice-President of Research and Apologetics, Fazale Rana, was named President and CEO in July 2022.


    Reasons to Believe aims to use science as a means of evangelism.[4] The organization publishes articles, books, and audio programs about topics related to science and Christianity.[5][6][7] It also produces video and multimedia content and hosts events where RTB speakers discuss science and apologetics.[8]

    The organization integrates science, theology, and philosophy to address topics such as the existence of God and the Bible’s reliability.[1] Reasons to Believe is a member of the