Oprah short eckhart interview with god

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    Oprah short eckhart interview with god

  • Oprah short eckhart interview with god
  • Oprah short eckhart interview with god youtube
  • Interview with god written
  • Interview with god story
  • Oprah short eckhart interview with god today
  • Eckhart Tolle and Oprah 2009 webcasts (all ten)

    Reviewer:Nyamushagi Bridget- favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite- June 22, 2016
    Subject:Wow and I'm watching this 7 years later

    Hei Oprah, Hei, Eckhart,
    I just want to say thank you guys for all the light work you have committed to doing in this lifetime.

    Oprah you have been like a Mom to me since I was 12, and I mean this in the most heart-warming way, watching your shows on Sunday afternoons, caused me to question the world I lived in (even as I grew up in a decent home in Uganda, Africa), but maybe above all it caused me to believe, that we all deserve better, and the world can be better and if we step up to the plate, the universe indeed arises to meet us.
    I’ve grown a lot since I was 12 I’ll be turning 26 in a week (Ayayai!!!

    =), and I actually recall watching the episode of the New Earth book, years later, I would ask my now fiancé to get the book for me, which he did about 3 years ago (2013), and currently while wo