Biography conference 2015

  • Biography conference 2015
  • Biography conference 2015 schedule!


    Eric Berg: ‘Daoud’s The Meursault Investigation as Constant Reference to Camus’

    In this paper I argue that the constant references to Camus’ work in The Meursault Investigation distracts the reader to the point that the valuable philosophical and political points are lost to anyone that has read any of Camus’ work.  It is clear that Daoud’s book is a breathtaking addition to Camus studies as the perspective offered alone is stunning.  However, it is my view that the text suffers from entirely too may references to Camus’ body of work, not just The Stranger but the other novels, the plays, short stories, etcand these constant, subtle, obvious, simple, and sophisticated references become distracting to the reader and ultimately makes The Meursault Investigation a derivative work in the worst sense of the word.  From the very opening lines, "Mama's still alive today…”  to the closing lines “I too wish them to be legion”, Daoud, mimics Camus through