La tristecita cacho tirao taquito

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  • La tristecita cacho tirao taquito

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    Marcelo Berestovoy

    La Tristecita

    La Tristecita is an Argentinean folk song written by Ariel Ramirez. Here’s a transcription of the guitar version as played by Cacho Tirao.

    La Tristecita Sheet Music.

    Free download.

    Ariel Ramirez (1921-2010) was one of the most important composers of Argentinean folk music.

    Cacho tirao wikipedia

    His masterpice “Misa Criolla” (Creole Mass) recorded in 1965 by LOS FRONTERIZOS gave him international recognition and help popularize Argentinean folk worlwide. Here is his own piano version of “La Tristecita”:

    This type of song is a Zamba with a “z”.

    A traditional form of song and dance typical of Argentinean folk. Written in 6/8 and different from the Brazilian Samba with an “S”, which happens to be the main DNA of Brazilian folk music usually written in 2/4 time signature.

    Cacho Tirao (1941-2007) was one of the most important guitar players of Argentina.

    His amazin