The galileo project biography telescope parts

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    The galileo project biography telescope parts and uses...

    Galileo's Biography

    Text by Megan Wilde. Plain text version edited by Ashley Fell for the Electronic Text Center. This biography is based upon information culled from The Galileo Project website.


    Early Life
    Galileo and the Pendulum
    Galileo On Motion
    Galileo's Mechanical Devices
    Galileo's Family Life
    Galileo's Telescope
    Galileo and the Inquisition

    Galileo's Early Life

    Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564.

    The galileo project biography telescope parts

  • The galileo project biography telescope parts and functions
  • The galileo project biography telescope parts and uses
  • What was galileo famous for
  • What did galileo discover
  • His father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a musician. Galileo's mother was Giulia degli Ammannati. Galileo was the first of six (though some people believe seven) children. His family belonged to the nobility but was not rich.

    The galileo project biography telescope parts and functions

    In the early 1570's, he and his family moved to Florence.

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    The Pendulum

    In 1581, Galileo began studying at the University of Pisa, where his father hoped he would study medicine. While at the University of Pisa, Galileo began his study of the pendulum while, according to legend, he watched a suspended lamp swing